Sponsors Robert & Marion Monden

The father of these two children, Made Arsa, had a very interesting blessing happen in his life:

A sponsor from Holland/the Netherlands had found him as a teenager working, carrying fruit, instead of going to school when he was still in his early teenage years. When the friendly Dutch couple asked him why he was not in school, he replied, that his father simply did not have the money.

This Dutch couple committed to paying the five dollars of school fees every month for the next few years until Made … Continue Reading

Sponsor Robert Monden & Marion Walker

Children of Komang Ayu

KADEK Tisy Avirjian the older daughter

Komang Ayu had a job in housekeeping when she got pregnant with her 3rd child. She was very much hoping for a  BOY, which she got!

In Bali it is essential to have a baby boy, because it is  the boy that takes care of the parents in old age, where is the girls went into the household of the husband.

Because of the lack of energy and due to the necessity of taking care of three children now, she … Continue Reading


at Shambala we separate the trash into PLASTIC, PAPER and ORGANIC trash and produce our own living GOLD

Here in Bondalem we still don’t have any trash pickup service. This is true for most of Bali except in the larger cities. this means that each household somehow has to take care of their own trash.

Of course in Bali that means, that most of the trash winds up either in the river, which is the convenient trash conveyor belt, which is then finally dumping the trash into the ocean, or … Continue Reading